Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Loss of Innocence

With great power comes great responsibilities... (Spiderman? With great age comes great forgetfulness!)

And thus with this great burden our newly elected parlimentarians in Malaysia has rolled their sleeves and gotten down to work. It is with regret that we have now lost our straight talk blogger Jeff Ooi to the world of politics. For the last two weeks my occasional browse at his blog has revealed very little updates and when it is updated, it is often with a very skewed view, that it has become very sadly lop-sided and 150% anti-government. There is the tinge of the loss of innocence, and reality will sink in to those who has donated so much money to his online campaign - that he will no longer entertain us as much on blogosphere as he did before. Let us hope all these translates to a more beneficial service to the public - the trade-off must be worth it! And bring on the next brave blogger reporter!

This is actually a tribute to the great contribution to cyberspace a blogger like Jeff Ooi has provided - he has actually done a lot of intrepid reporting on the corporate sphere, something I am not sure how he will be able to balance or continue on in his current role of "chief of staff" for Lim Guan Eng.

To a leader of the cyberspace local news community - all the best in your new venture. From the photography, to the SMS scam saga and the many years of great reporting - all these has been extremely entertaining - as a parting gesture - do point us to your successor?