Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Leadership @ Malaysia.com

Photo credits to MSNBC site from Vincent Thian/AP.

I am not going to profess I am a leadership expert.

But on Saturday, Mar 8, 2008, the Malaysian voters sent the government to its biggest "defeat" in the 12th General Elections - although the coalition government - Barisan Nasional won by simple majority of 140 to 82 seats in the Government, it lost 5 states to coalition led governments, a shock defeat to many.

A few big casualties were taken off their perch or "unseated" by relative unknowns, swept by the biggest anti-government sentiment I have seen in all my young years in my beloved Malaysia.

A blogger, Jeff Ooi was one of the few put to the parliament under the opposition banner, together with a host of young inexperienced but motivated individuals who had been recently recruited by the opposition parties.

The aftermath drew many immediate reaction of shock, reminders of promises to keep for the victors and also promises to conduct post mortems for the losers.

They never knew what hit them.

If you ask me, it is a very valuable lesson in leadership.

1. Stay relevant and close to the ground - The leaders of Barisan Nasional the national coalition were accused of not staying relevant. They had not heard the voice of dissent in the grassroots and were instead fooled to believe in what they want to hear instead of what the people are saying. In the corporate world, the same goes - by staying relevant to the company, the industry and the client, leaders find they are able to serve the client more effectively and offer more lasting value.

2. It is not about you, it is about the people - It is never about an individual. All leaders recognise this, that without followers, there are no leaders. If your followers abandon you, you are no longer a leader.

3. Be honest and transparent - Truth prevails. Announce achievements and reward people, but remain transparent about what you do as one day it will catch up with you if you don't.

4. Get and act on feedback - As always, stop listening to all the nice things, but seek for feedback which is blunt, truthful - these are real.

5. Act immediately to fix concerns - False or half truths infest itself and if left open, it will create dissatisfaction. Remember, if the problem is you, it is worse, it creates internal conflict. Get rid of the cancerous parts immediately.

6. The mouth is very strong - Yes, despite documents, media and the modern world, the word of mouth is the strongest message. If you don't want it to be known, don't do the wrong things or spread rumors or lies.

7. Ubiquitous communications - Hail the internet - blogs, youtube and online news has become mainstay of media and communications - communicating beyond traditional press. The world has shrunk and we are all friends (or foes!).

8. Good guys can end up last, move on - And this happens - sometimes it is not your fault and you lose as well - so many good strong parlimentarians who has contributed to their community lost due to the tsunami of sentiment. Good guys can end up last... don't blame yourself or the world. Reflect... and then move on.

9. Service with intent - As long as you serve with intent from the heart, you will always be aligned with your principles and feel contented you have done your best. (My teachable point of view)

10. Be man enough to accept defeat and learn the lesson - enough said.