Saturday, February 2, 2008

Lessons from Yoda

Yoda impersonator told me something today :
"No skill, can try; No heart, sure fail"

The frail little creature still has the force behind him.

I would agree that I am easily impressed nowadays. This is because of my jaded sense of what to expect from the young employee of today. My teachable point of view has always been intent from the heart, and with that I was indeed heartened to hear from Yoda, that he has not only stated our can do attitude and principles, he has also picked up the hidden phrase of "intent is stronger than words" recently.

To all of you who wish to achieve something, it must be driven by good intent, your heart and your mind aligned and if you ever wish to venture into the deep dark world of consulting, the intent has always been, client service. Serve the client at all means, and serve your company next. In order to achieve this and the inner balance of your heart, have faith, that if you try your best, it will work out, because, you will always achieve something better than if you did not. To give up or be angry with yourself, with people or with things or matters at hand is a sign of weak intent from the heart. Whilst saying this, I do know we are all humans, but indeed, if each day I try harder to achieve this with good intent, I know I am doing something positive for myself...

And when I feel angry, envious or disappointed, I blog it away into cyberspace, and wake up with clearer intent :-)

For once, today, I learnt from Yoda.