Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Choice to Enjoy

Rarely have I seen people glow with the excitement of their job than one of my client members today. Enjoying what you do certainly drives energy and passion. It was a very different Mr K I last saw or that I rarely heard off. Today, he was passionate about what he could do, and excited about meeting people to turn around things.

I really think that what sets us different from the expats I've seen in my life at work is that the expats are here because of choice, and they chose to be here, to do something they are good at which they enjoy, and they get paid for it handsomely as well!

Now, that is what I call enjoying work...

How many of us are doing what we are doing by choice?

What if you choose to do differently?

Take action... to enjoy what you do, and the results will be different. Or find something you enjoy to do.