Monday, December 10, 2007

My luck can only get better...

Would you be one who believes in Luck?

I cannot believe I have not been blogging for the last 1 month + for this blog. Spate of events and spate of bad luck happened, which included my being down and out in a series of flu and coughing fit which lasted almost 3+ weeks. I have been drinking cough medicine for the last 3 weeks. I wonder if that helps explain my sluggishness...

No great idea or story has come out of me since I've been under the daily influence of cough mixture. I cancelled two big client meetings with many important people, missed the Singapore Marathon, and could not speak for 5 days last week.

As in all days which has been bad, a good leader does not blame the luck factor, but if one will let me word it differently, I tried to be positive - I do think my luck can only get better.

My esteemed organization's international chairman, who was previously leader of the group I was in, told us this once when we were at a global leadership seminar - he said - there are three things you must do to be successful - you must work hard, you must be very smart, and last of all, you must be lucky.

If not, I'd just start the next year 2008 afresh ...